
unChristain: What a new Generation thinks about Christianity and Why it Matters.

In the book of Titus, chapter 2:2-10 Paul lays out several lists of lifestyle issues that he wants the church to be demonstrating.  While studying those lists today in preparation for my lecture series I began to notice some interesting connectives.  Three times in those verses Paul connects the lifestyle issues he wants to see in the churches to the idea that the church is to demonstrate these traits in front of a watching world (2:5, 2:10, 2:8).  2:5 is the best example, Paul implies that NOT doing these types of things will discredit God's word.  This is interesting, very true, and in my opinion one of the major reasons why people my age (25-35) are so disinterested in Christianity.  David Kinnaman just wrote a new book entitled "unChristian, What a New Generation Thinks about Christianity and Why it Matters."  Its a brilliant book, and in it he suggests, among other things, that todays generation of twentysomethings have just simply grown tired of a Christianity that produces people who really don't look any different from those who don't profess to follow Christ.  This is a real problem, because the underlying assumption then becomes that Christianity is powerless,fake, and empty.  Unable to produce the degree of change in someone's life that would warrant a closer exploration by those who look on.  Sad.  And its our job as believers to do something about it...to out of loving response (Titus 2:11) live lives that bear witness to the power of the Gospel and the reality of a living God.

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