
Wait a second...do you mean to tell me that I am actually 5 months old?

From Boone weekend 2/22

Yes! Baby Anna is 5 months old as of Tuesday.  She is having so much fun being a baby.  We just introduced her to rice cereal and she is devouring it.  She also laughs now when we tickle her. She is such a sweet girl and loves to smile and be around other people.  


Lots of friends and family have given Anna hats as a present, so today she decided to model a few for everyone.  There are also some pictures of Anna in her backpack during a walk we took with her buddy, JP.


Inductive Bible Study Seminar

We just had our first Inductive Bible Study Seminar at Lurecrest.  It was a lot of fun.  We took participants through the book of Titus teaching them the basics of inductive Bible study as we went.  We're planning another IBS day seminar in Charlotte March 21st.  


Ocean Isle

Last weekend the ESBS went to Ocean Isle for a time of rest and reflection. We all had a great time...played tennis...swam in the ocean...went for walks...good times of fellowship. It was Anna's first trip ever to the beach! My Dad said that Ocean Isle was the first beach that I went to also. Anna enjoyed watching large birds fly by as we walked around the sound one morning. She is growing fast and is in the 100th percentile for her height and weight (18 pounds now!) She loves to gaze at her hands. We have also discovered that she has a good sense of humor because she loves to laugh at our silly antics.