"Lady Day got diamond eyes
She sees the truth behind the lies
what a wonderful book…such a crucial addition to the christian worldview, providing major answers to the nagging question of “who am I?”
Ephesians answers this question with a resounding “you are a child of God, who right now, despite your feelings of brokenness and inadequacy, is filled to the fullest with what is really essential for life…JESUS.” Paul spends much time pounding home the point that we, as believers, have everything we need for “success” in life RIGHT NOW through Jesus. Our identity is secure IN CHRIST, not in our own efforts, strengths and accomplishments. Paul’s words to us through this book take our eyes off of our own accomplishments and failures, weaknesses and shortcomings and put them squarely upon a victorious Jesus, who through his death and resurrection has now ascended to THE HIGHEST place spiritually, and has now taken us there too!
In Christ the striving ceases as we all realize that we are as spiritual, as whole, as complete as we WILL EVER BE in THE area that matters..CHRIST JESUS. HE has given us everything we really need. What an awesome truth, for which I am thankful.